Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 08, 2008
Mo' Money

The Twins are looking to increase payroll in 2009:

"We have finalized the budget for 2009, and we believe that the budget allows us some flexibility to improve our baseball team," Twins President Dave St. Peter said.

The Twins had a payroll of roughly $56 million last season, down from $71 million in 2007. Using rough estimates for arbitration-eligible players and players with fewer than three years of major league experience, the Twins already are looking at a 2009 payroll over $60 million. Their interest in signing free agent Casey Blake shows a willingness to push the payroll toward what it was in 2007.

Good. The team came very close to the playoffs in 2008. They should spend some money to push themselves to the next level. After all, they're not paying Johan Santana $20 million a year.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:30 PM | Management | TrackBack (0)
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