Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 13, 2008
Blasting Beane

Grover at Athletics Nation blasts Billy Beane for not signing Rafael Furcal when he had the chance:

Enough with the "buts", if there's one thing the A's have right now is the financial flexibility to spend a little more on Furcal if they have to. If there's one thing the A's don't have is a quality SS, or even anyone who projects to be an average SS in the next few years. Don't blame me for that, blame the guy who traded Haren, Blanton, Harden and Gaudin and didn't get one damn SS prospect back in the exchange. Quite simply, the A's need Rafael Furcal because he's the best free agent SS on the market this year and next and the A's are in a position to add talent through monetary means and not lose talent via trade. The quicker the A's sign Furcal the better their chance to sign Randy Johnson. If Beane can add those two talents to his roster it could mean 4-5 extra wins for Oakland in the 2009 season. That would give them a strong chance to win the division and that could lead to a better chance at retaining Matt Holliday in 2010 and beyond. I'm not saying that signing Furcal guarantees the A's sign Johnson, win the AL West crown and keep Holliday beyond 2009 but he'd go a long way towards making all those things happen.

I get it. Beane's trying to save a couple bucks on Furcal.

But at what cost to the A's?

Posted by David Pinto at 09:12 AM | Management | TrackBack (0)
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