Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 21, 2008
The A-Rod Factor

Lone Star Ball points out a reason Mark Teixeira might not want to play for the Yankees:

I mean, we heard back in 2004 about how much the other Rangers players (including, presumably, Mark Teixeira) disliked Alex Rodriguez and how much better they could play once he was gone...surely Teixeira wouldn't want to go lock himself in to almost a decade of sharing an infield with ARod if that was true, would he?

As Cyndi Lauper so eloquently put it, money changes everything.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:26 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

So does winning. It's one thing when the FO is using A-Rod as a reason that they don't win anything and he becomes the lighting rod of the team. It's quite a bit different when A-Rod isn't the main focus of the team.

Posted by: Jason at December 21, 2008 05:06 PM

If that were the case no one would sign with NY. Apparently no one likes a-rod.

Posted by: emains at December 21, 2008 05:46 PM

If Teixeira didn't want to play for the Yankees, why did he and Boras ask for a meeting with Cashman the day before the GM Meetings and why did Boras call Cashman 2 days ago regarding Teixeira? Michael Young and A-Rod are still good friends and they played together in Texas in 2003. Pudge Rodriguez played with A-Rod in Texas and he didn't sem to have a problem with him in NY. Don't believe everything you read in the media because they write the story sometimes instead of just reporting it.

Posted by: anon at December 21, 2008 09:48 PM

The Yanks haven't won a World Series since they signed A-Rod. When are we going to start reading about the curse of A-Rod?

Posted by: Jim Casey at December 22, 2008 08:16 AM
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