Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 21, 2008
No Angels

The Angels withdraw their offer to Mark Teixeira:

Yahoo! on Sunday quoted sources saying Angels owner Arte Moreno concluded Teixeira didn't want to play for his team and the Angels were being used as a bartering tool to drive up the price.

It seems teams caught on to Boras's game and the rich ones will no longer allow themselves to be used that way. I wonder how Mark will look in a Nationals uniform?

Posted by David Pinto at 08:43 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

Nats or Yanks? Yankees look to be signing either Manny or Tex.

Posted by: dave at December 22, 2008 10:51 AM

I believe you mean the Orioles, not the Nationals.

Posted by: hopeful O's fan at December 22, 2008 10:57 AM

First the A-Rod opting out debacle, now this. Is Boras losing his touch?

Posted by: rbj at December 22, 2008 11:59 AM
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