Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 22, 2008
Furcal on the Deal

Rafael Furcal adds his two cents on the Braves deal that didn't happen:

Braves president John Schuerholz and general manager Frank Wren were quoted in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution as saying Furcal's agent asked the Braves to send a signed letter of agreement, then reached a deal with the Dodgers.

"That is not true," Furcal said. "We never, not my agents nor me, agreed to anything with the Braves."

This reminds me of the story I linked to recently on common law and the infield fly rule. What Furcal and his agent did wasn't against the written rules of baseball. It did appear, however, to be against the common law of these matters. It's pretty clear from the Braves point of view that you don't ask for a term sheet before the deal is done. Furcal's agent violated a common practice, and I wouldn't be surprised to see that put into writing at some point.

Posted by David Pinto at 05:24 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)
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