Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 22, 2008
The Wang Stuff

Chien-Mig wang and the Yankees avoid arbitration with a $5 million, one-year deal.

His agreement raises the Yankees' payroll to about $164 million for 15 players for next year. That includes pitcher Andrew Brackman and infielder Juan Miranda, who don't figure to be on the major league roster.

Peter Abraham spoke with the righty's agent:

"This time we were not that far apart from the Yankees and both sides made a committed effort to get it done," Chang said. "It's a deal that is respectful of what Wang has done. He was happy about it."

Wang will return to the United States in about three weeks to start working with a trainer in Arizona. His right foot, Chang said, is completely healed. But to play it safe, Wang is doing his conditioning work on a bike instead of running.

I'm a bit surprised the Yankees didn't try to work a longer term deal. A one year deal does make some sense, since they'll want to see how well he recovered from his injury.

Posted by David Pinto at 09:02 PM | Transactions | TrackBack (0)

It does make sense coming off the injury, but they always backhand this guy. Tossing a long term deal at the sloven Cano and slapping down Wang's request for a discussion of the same.

Posted by: dave at December 23, 2008 08:57 AM
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