Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 23, 2008
Tired of the Rumor Mill

The comments to Jon Heyman's latest Mark Teixeira rumor are priceless. Most are like this:

Heyman, please. Just let us know when he actually signs with someone. Jeez. We don't need a play-by-play, especially when there is nothing to report!

It would be something if Teixeira signed with a team that is totally off the radar.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:21 PM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)

Newest rumor is that he's signing with the Yankees.

Posted by: sabernar at December 23, 2008 03:33 PM

Looks like he's a Yankees

Posted by: Brian at December 23, 2008 03:34 PM

//The agreement with Teixeira gives New York the four highest-paid players in baseball -- third baseman Alex Rodriguez, shortstop Derek Jeter, Sabathia and Texiera.//

It's going to fun to watch when they don't win the World Series next year.

Posted by: COD at December 23, 2008 03:41 PM

Here is an idea. Yanks can afford a half billion dollars for free agents this offseason, but insist they need public financing for their new stadium? In this economy? How about we reconsider that little bit of taxpayer generosity?

Posted by: Bostondreams at December 23, 2008 04:00 PM

Bostondreams would have a valid point if the half-billion was being spent this year but it's spread out over a number of years. If you find it so outrageous there's no need to exaggerate, it's bad enough as it is.

But if you have standing as a NY tax payer then you should bring suit. If you don't have standing there's not much for you to reconsider.

Posted by: Rich at December 23, 2008 04:09 PM

Hey, so is the public financing, though i may have misinterpreted the article. And the whole comment was rhetorical, thanks.
In any case, standing or no, I don't see how the Yanks can justify taking public dollars. There is little evidence that public financing of a stadium is ever a good idea. And in this economy, it definitely is not. But whatever. It will be a fun season.

Posted by: Bostondreams at December 23, 2008 04:29 PM

I've always been against a sports team receiving public funds except for a very minimal amount for infrastructure purposes and even that I'm leery of.

Posted by: Rich at December 23, 2008 04:45 PM
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