Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 26, 2008
Dickey a Twin

The Twins sign R.A. Dickey, although the terms have not been revealed (it may be a minor league deal). La Velle Neal wonders what use the Twins have for the knuckleballer.

But in an offseason during which finding eighth-inning help is a higher priority, it's a little bit of a head-scratcher to see the Twins sign someone to be a middle reliever or spot starter. It's hard to see that when, if they need a spot start during the season, they can turn to Boof Bonser or Philip Humber or call up Brian Duensing, Anthony Swarzak or even Jeff Manship.

Now it's fair to come back with the argument that the Twins likely aren't spending a lot of money here and that teams bring in veteran arms all the time. But the Twins have plenty of options for starters, and we have seen in the past when trying the cagey veteran instead of the kid with more talent has failed.

Dickey's pitched poorly most of his career, and it's tough to believe the Metrodome will help him that much.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:52 AM | Free Agents | TrackBack (0)
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