Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 30, 2008

Wezen-Ball looks at news reports of the day to see just how much Jim Rice was feared:

However, as great as Rice was for his relatively short career, the argument his supporters make today - that he was the "most feared hitter" of his time - is hard to substantiate when you look at the press clippings from the day. There were plenty of accolades written about him during those years, and there was a short time-frame where people did call him the "most feared hitter," but it did not persist throughout his career. As questionable as the argument may be, there is some truth in it, but not nearly enough to make it such a cornerstone of Rice's candidacy.

The whole post is well worth your time.

Hat tip, The Book Blog.

Posted by David Pinto at 11:52 AM | All-Time Greats | TrackBack (0)

I think Tony Oliva is more deserving than Rice. They both suffer because they fell off at the end of their careers but both were among the very best players in the league for a number of years.

Posted by: Bandit at December 30, 2008 03:46 PM
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