Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
December 30, 2008
New Values

Value Wins appear to be the new rage around the baseball blogosphere. Right now, they are just for batters, but it looks like the Yankees got a good deal on Teixeira, the Red Sox got an even better deal on Pedroia, and A-Rod earned his salary in 2008.

Posted by David Pinto at 04:56 PM | Statistics | TrackBack (0)

David, can you explain what Value Wins are? I didn't see anything in the FanGraphs glossary about it.

Posted by: James at December 30, 2008 09:09 PM

Unless Griffey is secretly sitting down into the outfield and chewing on the fly balls he catches, I'm thinking that the fielding ratings that this system uses need some work. I know he's always been overrated as a fielder, but there's no way he's four times as bad as Manny out there. I'm not sure that Ken Griffey *Senior* would be as bad (if he was still playing in 2008) as the system is making Junior out to be.

Posted by: M. Scott Eiland at December 30, 2008 09:45 PM

Granderson at -10 million dollars for fielding? Seriously?

Posted by: zeppelinkm at December 30, 2008 11:21 PM

Brian Roberts is a net minus defensively? While the O's DH is listed as a net positive? On what planet?

Posted by: Joe at December 31, 2008 08:37 PM
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