Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 07, 2009
MIT Value of Icon Players

The final session of the day looks at quantifying the value of superstars. Ray Allen of the Boston Celtics, Carla Christofferson, owner of the LA Sparks, Greg Via of the Gillette Company, and Brian Jennings, EVP of marketing for the NHL discuss the issue with Ric Bucher of ESPN the Magazine.


Christofferson, Jennings, Via, Allen, Bucher

Update: Christofferson defines an icon player as someone people not even interested in the sport know. They help bring in new fans.

Update: Via says Gillette only uses players that have won the highest championship in their sport. They use three players globally, and 19 that are used locally.


Ray Allen

Update: Via says they do extensive background checks of the athletes they hire. Bucher asks Allen if he's gone through that, and he says someone was sneaking around his house the other day. :-)

Update: Are icons born or made? Christofferson believes fans make the icon.

Update: Allen is asked if there is a conflict between an icon and the team concept of sports. Allen says a great player is the best teammate, and you need to have someone with a big ego, someone who is a little cocky.

Posted by David Pinto at 03:52 PM | Players | TrackBack (0)
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