Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 09, 2009
Holland on the Rise

Inside Corner notes that the Rangers pitching Derek Holland three innings against the Cubs indicates he may be coming to the majors earlier than expected.

After putting together one of the greatest seasons by any Rangers minor league pitcher in memory, there's no doubt that Holland is coming. The only question is how soon. Yesterday may have been an early hint that he may be moving up to the front of the line to step into the Texas rotation when one of the five starters goes down.

Since surrendering a pair of homers (and fanning two) in one inning during his first appearance of the spring last week, Holland has allowed one run on six hits and a walk in 4.1 innings since. And even throwing out the first game, that's the worst stretch of pitching Holland has delivered in more than a year.

There's also a nice discussion of Holland's mechanics.

Posted by David Pinto at 08:26 AM | Pitchers | TrackBack (0)
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