Baseball Musings
Baseball Musings
March 09, 2009
Getting Older Faster

Vlad Guerrero inadvertently revealed he is one year older than his age in the media guide:

In a morning interview session with reporters, Scioscia said Guerrero's October surgery to clean out scar tissue and repair cartilage damage in his right knee could "point to a guy maybe turning back the clock a couple of years."

Relayed that quote through an interpreter, Guerrero smiled and said, "I feel good. I can't say [like] 25, because, you know, I'm 34. But I feel a lot better. That's where I'm at right now."

The Angels list Guerrero's birth date as Feb. 9, 1976, which would make him 33. Guerrero admitted to a team executive later in the day that he was born on the same date in 1975, making him 34.

Readjust your databases and your projections for 2009. The revelation will make it more difficult for Vlad to land another lucrative contract. We saw little interest in teams this winter for older players.

Posted by David Pinto at 01:03 PM | Players | TrackBack (0)

He can play 81 games in right field for the Phillies next year. Then DH in interleague and the World Series.

That would work for me.

Posted by: Tim at March 9, 2009 04:49 PM

Geez, is there ANY Latin American player over 30 who gave the correct age to scouts when he was a teenager?

Posted by: Zippercat at March 9, 2009 09:22 PM
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