October 29, 2015

The Black Background

Chelsea Janes takes an in-depth look at Bud Black’s background as a manager:

Bell lauded San Diego’s bullpens under Black, which he said were always good despite young guys often shuffling in and out. After rough outings, Bell would ask Padres relievers how they were feeling in the wake of debacle. Usually, he remembered, they felt just fine, because Black’s message at the mound was always something along the lines of “don’t worry, you’ll be back in there tomorrow.”

“The next day, he’d call the same guy out to face the same guy,” Bell remembered. “He’d say, ‘He got you yesterday; don’t let it happen today.’ He let you redeem yourself, and as a reliever, you want that worst of all.”

Over the last few years, the Washington bullpen has a history of imploding at critical moments.

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