April 19, 2020

The Time Limit

Clayton Kershaw explains that while he misses baseball, he doesn’t want to be quarantined away from his family for an extended period of time:

“We all want to play baseball. I get that; I want to play baseball too,” Kershaw said. “But there is something about being in the big leagues and you can’t compromise that. Playing in spring training stadiums and quarantining for months without your family and certain things like that, I don’t think that’s doable if you’re talking about doing it for four to five months.

“You just lose the product on the field because guys aren’t in their natural element. We’re all ready to take drastic measures to make this season happen, but there’s also certain things that will affect the product on the field, and that’s what you have to be careful about.”


Other players expressed similar concerns. Should teams do this as a second spring training? They could go to Arizona May 1, take four weeks to prepare with the hope that sometime in June they could return to their actual stadiums? The concern with that scenario would be that the pandemic is not under control by June 1, and they would have wasted time and money in Arizona without being able to play. I believe the best we can do now is be patient, and hope baseball is back by July 1.

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