April 27, 2020

The State of the Season

Jeff Passan at ESPN.com does a very thorough job of explaining the current thinking on how and where the baseball season starts. He delves into game hubs, player compensation, fans in the stands, etc.

OK then. What’s the latest?

Lots. And nothing. It’s a contradictory existence in which the baseball world is doing everything it can to prepare for games without any firm plan in place for when or where those games will be played.

Nearly every team has guaranteed baseball-operations employees payment through May 31 — a date, sources said, that is no accident. The next month could provide a number of answers to issues baseball is considering as it plots its return, and the long-term retention of employees across the sport may depend on having a known, or at least expected, revenue generator. The end of May isn’t a drop-dead point to have a plan in place, sources said, as much as it’s a reasonable and logical one.


It will probably take you twenty minutes to read the whole thing. The time is worth it to get a good view of all the pieces that may or may not swirl into place.

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