May 31, 2020

This Date in 1920

Memorial Day, May 31, 1920, feature all teams in double header action as sixteen games grace the schedule. Game one of the White Sox at the Browns double header ends in a 2-0 St. Louis win for the low scoring games of the day. At the high end, the Yankees sweep the Senators in New York with a 10-7 victory, Babe Ruth homering off Walter Johnson. Ruth’s lead in home runs goes to twelve, twice as much as his nearest competitors.

Larry Gardner of the Indians and Roger Peckinpaugh of the Yankees tie for best offensive game of the day in terms of Baseball Musings Game Score, 82. Gardner goes three for four with two doubles, a home run and a walk, driving in five runs in game one. Peckinpaugh posts a four for four game in games two, with two doubles, a triple and a walk. If I had to break the tie, Gardner wins with the home run and five RBI. Peckinpaugh had the best day overall with a six for nine, three doubles, the triple, a walk, and a stolen base.

On the pitching side, Herb Pennock of the Red Sox allows one run in a 3-1 Boston victory against the visiting Athletics in game one. Pennock’s five hits, one walk, and seven strikeouts proved superior to Urban Shocker, who pitched the shutout for the Browns.

Pete Alexander earns a win for the Cubs, and extends his winning streak to eleven games. The longest active hit streak belongs to Cy Williams of the Phillies at twelve games.

At the end of May, the Indians hold a 3 1/2 game lead over both Boston and New York in the AL. The Cubs lead the NL by 1/2 game over both Brooklyn and the World Champion Reds. The Browns, Athletics, and Tigers are double digit games back. No NL team is more than nine games back as the AL proves less competitive.

2 thoughts on “This Date in 1920

  1. Jeff A

    I thought Memorial Day was always on May 30 before the Monday holiday law. Was it May 31 for a while?


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