January 31, 2021

Fifty Years of Research

The summer of 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Society for American Baseball Research, SABR:

The rabbit holes that Hufford dove into ultimately led him to Cooperstown, N.Y., where he gathered with 15 other likeminded enthusiasts on Aug. 10, 1971, to form the Society for American Baseball Research. Fifty years later, SABR’s purview remains grounded far more in the pursuit of objective truth of baseball than the “sabermetrics” movement that breached mainstream circles after Brad Pitt’s turn as Athletics General Manager Billy Beane in the Oscar-nominated “Moneyball” flick.

“The one commonality is a love for the game of baseball,” said Andy Strasberg, the vice president of San Diego’s SABR chapter and the Padres’ former vice president of marketing. “It’s not just stats — exit velocity or ERA or batting average. It’s everything from old ballparks to baseball movies to art.

“SABR’s got something for every baseball fan.”


Here’s to another 50 years of excellent work!

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