February 9, 2024

Like Being a Spinal Tap Drummer

Major League Baseball suspended former Mets GM Billy Eppler for faking disabled list injuries:

It was determined that Eppler was involved with improper use of Injured List placements, including the deliberate fabrication of injuries; and the associated submission of documentation for the purposes of securing multiple improper Injured List placements during the 2022 and 2023 seasons.

MLB said its investigation concluded that the pattern of conduct was at Mr. Eppler’s sole direction and without any involvement of Mets ownership or superiors.


If one GM is doing it, I wonder if any others are under investigation. On the other hand, the Mets do a poor job of vetting their front office leaders:

Eppler’s two immediate predecessors, Jared Porter and Zack Scott, were both fired for off-the-field issues.

I wonder what we will find out about David Stearns? Of course, the law of averages says he’ll survive.

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