September 23, 2024

Weekly Look at Offense

Every Monday Baseball Musings compares offense in the current season to the previous season through the same number full weeks. After 25 weeks the 2024 season produced 8.81 runs per game versus 9.26 runs per game in 2023. The story of the season continues to be that all three true outcomes are down, but that did not lead to more hits on the extra balls in play. There’s over 500 singles, doubles, and triples missing compared to 2023.

I know the Guardians adopted a more aggressive strategy at the plate, and I suspect other teams or hitters might have emulated them. That strategy might prevent Ks and BB, but it might also mean batters are making contact on pitcher’s pitch.

The other thing I noticed, and I don’t have any stats on this, but defense seems to be incredible this year. I’m extremely impressed by the speed of outfielder and their ability to make catches on dives and jumps. With a universal DH, the non-fielders can find work and teams don’t need to hide them in leftfield or first base. On the infield after a year, teams figured out how to make the most of the shift rules. The ball hit up the middle may to turning into an out again.

Offense in 2024 is limping out of the season as the last three weeks have all been below 8.6 runs per game. Strikeouts were way up in the week 18.7 per game versus 17.0 for the season.

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