March 6, 2012

Zen Jays

Via BBTF, Travis Snider takes a page from Shawn Green‘s book and takes a zen approach to baseball.

“I don’t claim to be Buddhist or any particular religion from that sense,” he said. “But I definitely was able to take some things and put them in perspective . . . Our minds as competitors can get the best of us at times and (it’s a matter of) being able to take a step back and saying, “OK, I’ve done everything I can do to this point, just go out and play.’

“At times, it’s easier said than done but that focus that you are able to refine over the years of experience is what’s key for me moving forward in my career.”

We’ll see if this helps Snider win a job this year. He’s getting a bit old for the prospect label. Snider living up to his hype, plus a full year of Brett Lawrie could put the Jays into contention this season.

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