January 3, 2011

Kepner on Morris

Tyler Kepner explains why he would vote for Jack Morris for the Hall of Fame (if the NY Times allowed him to vote). I basically agree with Tyler. There are a lot of ways to define fame, and Jack meets one of them.

Over the years, I’ve come to care about the Hall of Fame less because it is already pretty diluted. At this point, I’m more concerned about who doesn’t get in than who does get in.

3 thoughts on “Kepner on Morris

  1. Tarik

    I am actually more interested to understand why the NY times/la times (are there others?) do not allow voting .Is it for journalistic integrity/ conflict of interest? This is either really dumb or exactly right, I can’t decide which. In either case it seems like the hall of fame has a real problem, if a number of high profile newspapers don;t allow their reporters to vote, maybe the BBWA should not be in charge of any voting.

  2. algionfriddo

    If the HOF were soup it would have very little meat and be, mostly… too much broth.

  3. David Pinto Post author

    @Tarik: I can understand this for end of the year awards, but reporters should be pretty far removed from players once their names get on the HOF ballot.


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