January 14, 2011

Joba’s Job

Mike Axisa opines on what the Yankees should do with Joba Chamberlain now that Rafael Soriano is the setup man:

Before the Yankees started screwing around with Joba’s innings limitations in 2009, he was fantastic as a starter. The guy made 34 full starts from June 2008 through August 2009, meaning he wasn’t pulled early and was allowed to empty the tank. In those 34 starts, he had a 3.54 ERA (3.97 FIP) with 8.50 K/9, 3.84 uIBB/9, and 0.92 HR/9. Opponents had .329 wOBA off him during that time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say Joba was some kind of ace caliber starter during this time, but good grief, he was 23 years old basically the whole time. He was better and younger than Phil Hughes was in 2010. If a young kid performs like that in the AL East, you don’t stick him in the bullpen, you keep him in the rotation because at worst, he’s a mid-rotation starter. At best, he’s on his way to becoming something more.

I’m not asking for a miracle here, just give the guy a chance to start again in Spring Training. There’s basically no downside. If he gets hurt and his days as an effective pitcher come to an end, who cares? All the Yankees would be losing is a seventh inning reliever. If it works, well then geez, you’ve got yourself a young big league starter, something the team could really use right about now. It’s Spring Training, just try it. That’s all I’m asking. Just make an effort, give him the same kind of rope they gave Hughes this past year.

I tend to agree with Mike, although I expect Joba to regress to his FIP in 2011, which would make him look like a much better pitcher. In that case, the signing does help the rotation, since the back of the rotation starters just need to worry about pitching five or six innings and letting the offense and bullpen take care of the rest.

1 thought on “Joba’s Job

  1. jrs

    They really ought to try that again. He was drafted as a starter, and I think he’d do fine if they’d just stick him in the rotation and leave him alone. Stop the silly “Joba Rules” and just let the man pitch.


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