March 14, 2006

Doping Dopes

ESPN posts a story about drug testing in the World Baseball Classic, and frankly, I don’t know what to make of it. The World Anti-Doping Agency is saying that baseball sent an incomplete list of banned drugs to players. Orza is saying it doesn’t matter what they sent to players, it’s the player’s responsibility to know what’s banned.
I have to say I really don’t like Gary Wadler of WADA. At the congressional hearings last March, Wadler seemed to want all testing brought under his authority. I’m not sure if he’s power hungry or just want to make more money by testing baseball, too. This strikes me as a situation where WADA is making a mountain out of a mole hill.
However, once again baseball is shown to be incompetent in distributing documents. We saw this at those same Congressional hearings when representatives found a huge loophole in the punishment part of the drug policy. Having someone carefully proof documents before they go out would save Major League Baseball a lot of grief.
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1 thought on “Doping Dopes

  1. susan mullen

    This is interesting since reports up til today were saying
    all players were tested by olympic standards & were clean. WADA & others
    want all governance to be global, & of course all monies
    & no oversight. Orza is mainly a salesman.


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