July 28, 2010

Oswalt Deal could Happ-en

The Astros trading Roy Oswalt to the Phillies seems to depend on J.A. Happ:

The Phillies know what the Astros want for Oswalt. The question is whether the Phils are willing to follow through on such a deal.

Phillies officials are divided on whether to part with left-hander J.A. Happ and prospects for Oswalt — and take on the approximately $5 million remaining in Oswalt’s salary this season, plus his $16 million salary for 2011 and possibly another $16 million in ’12.

Or they could just try to win with Happ.

1 thought on “Oswalt Deal could Happ-en

  1. Robert Darfour

    I hope the Phillies bite and make the trade, and as a big Astros fan; I won’t miss this surly, primadonna one bit. The Astros front office must so ready to be rid of this headache.


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