March 1, 2011

Baseball Musings Pledge Drive

As the 2011 baseball season approaches, Baseball Musings enters its tenth season covering America’s pastime. The site covers news, games, players, front offices, and research, trying to expand the narrative with statistics, research and history. Original research and database tools make this a great stop for sabermetricans as well. Thanks to readers like you, the site grew from a simple blogger location to a respected voice in the sport.

Once again, I’m asking for your help. If you use the Day by Day Database (complete logs back to 1957), if you learn something from the Probabilistic Model of Range consider a donation. If you’re a long time reader, if you found something useful through a Google search, even if you just like to come here and complain in the comments, please be part of this site with a contribution. Any amount is fine. If every individual who visits this site in March gives $1, Baseball Musings can be written full time for a year. If everyone donated $10, the money raised would sustain this site indefinitely.

And, in best NPR fashion, there are premiums. For a donation of $50, you will be able to dedicate a post. The dedication should be in good taste and may contain a hyperlink. For a contribution of $500, you can join Peter Gammons and Jack Spellman as a Patron on the side bar for two years, including a hyperlink.

Donations can be made PayPal. Unfortunately, other donations providers have gone out of business or charge too much money in fees. If you refuse to use Pay Pal but still wish to donate, please contact me and I’ll provide an address for a check. My email is

Thanks again to everyone who helped make this site a success by reading, commenting on and recommending the posts here. With your monetary support, Baseball Musings can continue to bring you a fresh perspective on the game and explore new ways of presenting information about the national pastime. Help Baseball Musings continue to grow by making a generous donation today.

Update: For those of you who do not like to use PayPal, I’ve added Google Checkout.

Update: I had to remove Google Checkout.

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