April 4, 2011

Boys of Summer

Robert Cochrane writes:

My dad (who has Parkinson’s Disease) and I road-tripped 20,000 miles over two months to see a game at each of the 30 MLB parks back in 2004. We made the trip on less than a shoestring budget, hosting tailgate parties with donated or discounted food, drink and tickets to raise money to make it to the next park. “Boys of Summer”, the documentary made from this experience, won several awards and has even played internationally at the Sports Movies & TV festival in Mumbai, India. It is now available on YouTube as part of my thesis for my Journalism & Media Studies master’s program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

If you’re interested, you can see it at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgYflvZxyZo. … It’s absolutely free to watch on YouTube and there is a link to our Michael J. Fox Foundation “Team Fox” page for those who wish to toss a buck in the pot (the cost of a Red Box rental) after watching it. 100% proceeds go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

You can watch here as well:

I’ve watched the first few minutes of the film, and find it quite compelling. I can’t wait to see the rest.

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