March 2, 2012

The Evolution of Sports Leagues

The first session of the Sloan MIT Sports Analytics Conference (SSAC) discusses the evolution of leagues. Gary Bettman represents the NHL, Rob Manfred MLB, Adam Silver NBA, Steve Tisch NFL, and Scott Boras I assume represents the players interests.

I’m not sure sports leagues really evolve.  That requires competition and/or pressure from changing resources. The major leagues destroyed their competition years ago.  As long as the fans are watching, there’s not much resource pressure.  The NFL does face a challenge with the concussion issue, and I hope that is addressed.

Update: You an also see what I’m tweeting @StatsGuru, and follow has tag #SSAC.


Opening remarks. The incredibly handsome Daryl Morey is second from the left.

Update: The panel. Michael Wilbon moderates:


Update: Bettman believes that losing an NHL season helped the other leagues settle their labor disputes. It proved owners could stick together.

Update: Manfred says that the 1994-1995 strike stays with both sides of the negotiation. He also points out that negotiations have gone from lawyer driven in the ’80s to analytic driven today. With revenue sharing built in, analytics are needed to prove why it’s good.

Update: Boras is asked about the evolving partnership between players and owners. With greater revenues, the risk for loss is higher on both sides.

Update: Tisch is very happy with the ten year NFL deal. The stability gives them more room to partner and innovate.

Update: Wilbon is now asking about Internationalization.

Update: Silver says basketball is now the number one sport in China.

Update: Silver takes first Jeremy Lin shot at Morey. 🙂

Update: Baseball has a very good fashion business in Europe. Need players from a country to make sport popular there, according to Manfred.

Update: Boras says Ichiro was basball’s Jeremy Lin. Suzuki changed the way baseball thought about the Pacific rim.

Update: Question time.

Update: What has MLB learned from the Braun investigation? Manfred says it’s a chance to improve the process. Boras points to the importance of impartial arbitrators.

Update: The concussion issue is raised. Bettman notes the NHL led the way on concussion safety. Culture is changing to allow players to admit concussions.

Update: Tisch says players now sit out on average six days instead of three with concussions. The injury is down this year. NFL working with military as they have the same issues.

This was a very interesting panel, although I would have loved to see the panel challenged on the structure of the leagues.

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