March 29, 2012

Free Speech Update

In response to this post, a nice twitter conversation:

Matt Welch Vernon  Wells Twitter Conversation

Vernon Wells responds to potential heckling.

It’s good to see Vernon has a sense of humor!

Update 4:15 PM: Wells makes too poor defensive plays in the first inning, leading to two doubles. The Royals lead 4-0 and have not made an out yet.

Update: The Royals decided to go easy on Vernon, hitting it over his head into the stands, instead.

3 thoughts on “Free Speech Update

  1. Mike-n-Ike

    Well done, Mr. Wells. With his decent Spring Training and a demonstrated good sense of humor, he may wind up being a little more popular in LAAnaheim this season…it would be hard for him to be less popular than last year.

  2. Pingback: Opening Day Countdown: EIGHT »

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