August 29, 2012

Tangled Web?

MLB is investigating links between Kirk Radomski and the agents for Paul Lo Duca and Melky Cabrera.

The people told USA TODAY Sports that Lo Duca alleges Seth and Sam Levinson, through their firm ACES Inc., introduced him to Radomski. Lo Duca also alleges a checking account was opened for Lo Duca to pay Radomski for steroids, human growth hormone, amphetamines and sexual-enhancement drugs, according to the people. The MLB probe is part of the investigation after the failed drug test and suspension of San Francisco Giants All-Star Melky Cabrera two weeks ago.

Stay tuned.

Hat tip, Hardball Talk.

1 thought on “Tangled Web?

  1. rbj


    Have to wonder if agents have suspicions about certain clients who suddenly get a lot better, but ignore the warning signs in favor of the dollar signs. Or if they actually steer certain clients to guys “who have something to help you.”

    And not just in baseball. The next big sports scandal?


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