November 12, 2012

NL Rookie

Bryce Harper wins the NL Jackie Robinson Award, seven points ahead of Wade Miley. Bryce drew 16 first place votes to Miley’s 12. Congratulations to Bryce, a well deserved award.

Update: The voting is here. Todd Frazier finished third with three first place votes, and Wilin Rosario also received a first place vote. Harper was the only candidate who appeared on all 32 ballots.

1 thought on “NL Rookie

  1. MSE

    The Harper-haters were definitely out in force yesterday after the announcement–some were still musing lovingly over Cole Hamels plunking him for no good reason back in May (and suffering convenient amnesia over how Harper reacted to it). Most of them are too busy despising the (apparently) nonexistent phantom of a punk kid with no respect for his fellow players or the game, while ignoring the reality of a young man who works his tail off, is often visibly in awe of his surroundings, and obviously has no problem with taking advantage of the wisdom of the players who have been around longer than him.


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