December 3, 2013

Fister to the Nationals

I apologize for just noticing this story, which tells you how much press the Tigers and Nationals generate.

The Washington Nationals acquired pitcher Doug Fister in a Monday night trade with the Detroit Tigers.

In exchange, the Nationals sent infielder Steve Lombardozzi, left-hander Ian Krol and minor league lefty Robbie Ray to the Tigers.

Fister fits in perfectly with the hard throwing Washington rotation, giving the Nationals four pitchers who could serve as an ace.

Lombardozzi gives the Tigers more infield depth, and he could take over at third base if Miguel Cabrera moves to first. Krol has posted eye-popping minor league three-true outcomes, and held his own in the majors in 2013, when he played as a 22-year-old. Ray is a high K pitcher who needs to work on his control.

Washington’s rotation looked good going into 2013, but Haren did not bounce back, and the offense and defense often didn’t back up the staff. They shouldn’t have to score much behind this group, however.

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