March 22, 2015

So Long Song

Big League Stew notes that Andrew McCutchen doesn’t like the song Centerfield:

The exact question: “The song I never want to hear again in an arena/ballpark/stadium is … ”

McCutchen’s brutally honest and unapologetic response: “Put me in coach,” which is easily the most repeated and recognizable lyric in the song, but the position in question and the title of the song remains “Centerfield.”

What Big League Stew misses why McCutchen uses a line from the song rather than the song title. Others have said to me that “Put me in coach,” shows that John Fogerty doesn’t know anything about baseball. Unlike most sports that are run on the field by head coaches, baseball uses a manager. Most players call the manager, “Skip,” short for skipper. So someone who knew something about baseball would have penned, “Put me in, Skip.” It’s like Amy spoiling Raiders of the Lost Ark:

Or people complaining about hearing space ships blow up in movies. Or people who complain about Animanicas:

It’s just a bit of fun.

3 thoughts on “So Long Song

  1. Patrick Marren

    But every level below professional they are called “Coach,” ain’t they?

    Of course I forget that Andrew McCutheon sprang fully formed into the Bigs from out of the head of Pops Stargell.

  2. Joseph Finn

    And unlike manager, it fits the rhythm of the song. (Skip might work as well, but I think it’s a mite bit too short of a word. Coach is just long enough.)


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