September 11, 2015

Ausmus Done?

The Detroit Free Press reports that Brad Ausmus will not be managing the Tigers in 2016:

Owner Mike Ilitch intends to fire Ausmus after this season ends, according to a person with knowledge of the front office’s plans. The person asked not to be identified late Thursday because he was not authorized to discuss the situation publicly. The person said that former Tigers president and general manager Dave Dombrowski “fought off ownership so that it didn’t happen much earlier.”

Detroit’s Channel 4 (WDIV-TV) also started reporting late Thursday that Ausmus would be out after the season, which ends Oct. 4 in Chicago against the White Sox.

Now that this is out in the open, I suspect Brad will step down. Maybe Washington and Detroit should just trade managers. Both Matt Williams and Ausmus had success their first year, but injuries hurt their teams in their second year. Both probably learned a lot in their stints, but are in the wrong place now. A trade would give each a fresh start.

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