September 11, 2015

Up the Stats Stairs

The Red Sox hired Brian Bannister to fill a unique role:

As a former pitcher with a knowledge of analytics, Bannister’s role is, in a way, a data-driven coach, but not just for players — Bannister is unlikely to direct the pitchers in the way that pitching coach Carl Willis does, but like anyone else in the front office, his job will be to provide the team with the best information he can, whether he gets it from scouting or PITCHf/x, and then distribute it to other key figures in the organization. Teams blend all of that information together the best they can in order to put a superior product on the field, and creating this new position helps show how much the Red Sox want to do what they can to improve their pro scouting.

Cool. When Bannister and Zack Greinke played for the Royals, they were both into analytics, and tried to use the idea of three true outcomes to improve their pitching. This should be an interesting experiment for Boston.

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