October 11, 2005

Speculation Begins

Their corpses are not even cold, and newspapers are speculating about the moves the Yankees will make in the off season. If there’s any validity to their center field plans, don’t look for much improvement:

Of course, the Yankees must pay Matsui and he likely will command more than $10 million per year. It seems like a lock they’ll re-sign him. They’ll also need a center fielder, and if they sign Boston free agent Johnny Damon, they’ll have to pay around the same, which will cut into their payroll savings. Damon is 31 years old and could want a five-year contract.
They might fill center field by trading for Mike Cameron, if the Mets are willing. They might compete with the Red Sox there. Or they could explore whether free agent Brian Giles would fit. “There aren’t a lot of center fielders out there,” a Yankee bigwig said.

None of the options here are a young player. They need to replace Bernie with the next Bernie Williams, someone who will fill the role for the next 10 years. If the Yankees go for a player in his mid-30’s, they’ll just be going through the same thing every other year.
Here’s an idea. Give the job to 21-year-old Melky Cabrera.
He’s 21, and he’ll make the minimum. It may take him a couple of years to develop, but it took Bernie three years before his OBA and Slugging were something to notice. Don’t waste the money on someone who’s likely to decline. Spending little money on someone who’s likely to improve is a much better option.
Update: A good use of the money might be to sign Bernie as a player/coach. He could DH, spell outfielders, pinch hit and more importantly serve as a mentor to Cabrera and Cano.

12 thoughts on “Speculation Begins

  1. Jason

    Melky looks like he needs at least another year of AAA ball. WIlliams was hitting 800 OPS in AA & AAA before he was given a major leage AB. Though, I agree with your sentiment, it’s not worth paying $50m/5 years for a “premiere” CF, but I hightly doubt the Yankees will listen to reason…

  2. rob m

    package some pitching and a little cash to the Devil Rays for Gathright or Baldelli. Both are young and fast. Something the Yankees could use.

  3. Adam B.

    I feel like the Yankees are likely going to have to look at a one year stop gap for centerfield so that they can make sure Melky gets comfortable in AAA first (he struggles there this year in a short stay after his demotion from the majors).
    As for the player part of the Bernie idea, he didn’t hit well enough this year to be a DH. A .688 OPS (and likely to go down with Bernie’s decline), is not a desirable OPS for a DH.
    And the Yankees should deal with their GM issue before even looking into player moves. Cashman’s contract is up at the end of the playoffs, I believe.

  4. rbj

    A Bubba/Bernie combo could work for a year while Melky seasons in Columbus.
    The Yankees don’t have pitching to trade, aside from Pavano & Wright, but that leaves a rotation of Johnson, Mussina, Chacon, and Wang. With Small as a long reliever/6th man.
    Also need to start breaking in Posada’s replacement.

  5. Jack Tanner

    As much as I hate the Yankees Bubba/Bernie will work about as good as it did this year. Bernie can’t play the outfield anymore and they already have about 3-4 DHs. Playing Giambi at 1st kills them. I saw Melky and it’s hard to see that he is anywhere near ready. If it were me I’d look hard at Torii Hunter before I’d look at Damon.

  6. Mike Boehm

    Can you imagine how much Johnny Damon would be vilified in Boston if he went there? Plus he’d look weird when Steinbrener made him cut his hair and look proper.
    There’s not much option to improve the Yankees this offseason. You know Steinbrener is going to be pissed and do something irrational.

  7. James d.

    Bernie as a player/coach? So he can teach Cano/Cabrera how to play 15 years but not ever learn how to steal a base, develop a throwing arm, or avoid obvious mental mistakes on the basepaths and in the field once his talent slips?
    However, I sincerely do think Bernie could teach A-Rod, Sheff, and Matsui a thing or two about postseason hitting.

  8. chad

    Cano, Wang, and Small for some declining old centerfielder like those named in the article seems likely.

  9. Joe

    This coming year King George should go ahead and implement his preferred plan of nine 1st-basemen/DHs plus pitchers either over the age of 38 or who have spent at least 60% of their careers on the DL.
    Then maybe he’ll blow a gasket and we can move on.

  10. susan mullen

    As long as Steinbrenner is involved in baseball decis-
    ions, the Yankees will not win another world series. The
    only times they’ve won in recent years were a result of
    his not being too involved (he had been banned from
    baseball for life, then was allowed back).

  11. John

    I agree that the Yankees do need an every day starting CF. Bernie is done. I would not recommend Damon. Mr. Huner mentioned Tori Hunter. I have to agree with him. With Bernie gone, that will save a lot of $$. Melky needs a year or maybe two in AAA. When he is ready, he will be in NY. Mr. Cashman will keep his eyes on him I can bet. Pitching is without a doubt the key for the Yanks in this offseason. Johnson has one more year in him. Pavano was a joke. Wang will get better. Chacon is ok. As for other personnel, Tino will go byebye. Keep Cano !! He will just get better and better. I like Jeter but is over paid. Re-do his and A-Rod’s contracts to land some key acquisitions. Maybe pick up Manny Ramirez for LF, move Matsui to CF, keep Shef in RF. That would be another potent bat for the Yanks. Giambi needs to lose some weight in the offseason. We will see who The Boss and Mr. Cashman go after first.
    Congrats to the Chi-Sox. Well earned !


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