October 11, 2005

Just Wondering

Why don’t we hear or see stories about Bobby Cox getting fired when the Braves lose every year? Or how Chipper Jones isn’t a true Brave when he bombs in the post-season? Or how if they didn’t let Glavine and Maddux get away, the Braves would have won?
The searches for “Bobby Cox fired” yield stories of Cox talking about Hudson in game one.

“He was just too fired up, I think,” Cox said of Hudson. “He was really wanting to pitch a shutout tonight, I think.”

Hudson is obviously not a true Brave, either. Atlanta fans just don’t know how to handle this whole losing thing. 🙂
Update: Okay, Braves fans don’t want Cox fired, they just want him to resign.
Update: I guess I didn’t write this post well. Judging from the comments, people think that I’m calling for Cox to be fired. I’m really making fun of Yankees fans who go off the deep end everytime they lose a series. I though the comparison was obvious, but I guess not.
I do wonder, however, if the Braves should have another manager for the post-season. Maybe bring in a Billy Martin type for the month of October.

8 thoughts on “Just Wondering

  1. wilson

    As an A’s fan, I would not mind having Bobby Cox taking my team to the playoffs every year, occasionally winning a series here and there (heck just one would do) and making everybody’s fifth starter into a kevin Milwood. No, I would not at all.

  2. Mike Boehm

    It’s a dumb idea to fire a guy who’s lead you to the division win for almost a decade and a half. No one’s going to come in and do better than that. The Braves problems aren’t managing.

  3. Bob Eddy

    The Braves fans are the most spoiled fans in the MLB. How can you complain about a manager that has won his division 14 years straight? Do you realize how many baseball fans would love to be able to say that?? Look at Kansas City, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, just to name a few. Bobby Cox is one of the best in baseball and I’m not even a Braves fan. My Angels have just now won their 2nd straight American Western Division title, and I am amazed and thrilled. I could take 12 more years of this, even with only ONE World Series win.

  4. Crank

    I think the more interesting question is how the same people who rip Billy Beane’s philosophy on the grounds that it supposedly leads to the A’s’ playoff failures can tout the Braves as the “anti-Moneyball” team with a straight face.

  5. Bill McKinley

    Bobby Cox is the architect of this dynasty! He was GM when the minor league foundation was built. He has been manager during the greatest run in history.
    Yes, I can see opportunities for Cox to step out of the mold during playoff time. I think he needs to better recognize the consequence of losing one game this time of year. Or, perhaps better stated, the value of seizing the moment.
    The Braves’ youngsters were awed having to face Pettitte, Clemens and Oswalt but there was a reason those those guys and the Astros were favored to win the division series.
    A lot of goofy things have happened to the Braves during past post seasons from baserunning gaffes to untimely errors and bad bounces. The Braves have not been able to overcome those.
    14 consecutive division crowns is a measure of excellence not futility. Cox can manage for Atlanta as long as he likes….Mac


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