October 11, 2005

Bottom of the Seventh

Shields is warming up in the bullpen. Scioscia is prepared for trouble.
Update: Byrd hits Rowand in the back to start the inning.
Update: That’s it for Byrd. A great effort on short rest. That’s the third well pitched game on short rest we’ve seen this post season. Shields is coming in to pitch to Pierzynski.
Update: The Angels almost throw away a force out. Pierzynski grounds to Kennedy, who flips high to Cabrera. Orlando comes down on the bag for the first out.
Update: I don’t believe what I just saw. Pierzynski tries to steal 2nd, and is thrown out.
Bill James came up with a World Series prediction system many years ago that showed that teams that were aggressive on the base paths tended not to win. Better teams were better at throwing out runners, both stealing and from the outfield. I don’t know if the system holds true now, but A.J. just took them out of an inning.
Shields gets the third out to send the game to the eighth with the Angels still in the lead.

3 thoughts on “Bottom of the Seventh

  1. David Dean

    Buck thought maybe he went on his own – apparently, Ozzie was pissed when he got back to the dugout.


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