October 11, 2005

Bottom of the Ninth

K-Rod in, and Everett hits a shot that eats up Chone Figgins. The White Sox get the lead off man on.
Update: Ozuna pinch runs for Everett, and it looks like Rowand is going to bunt as he fouls off the first pitch after squaring.
Update: Figgins makes up for the error by getting the runner at second on the bunt attempt. The White Sox are not executing the game plan offensively tonight.
Update: Pierzynski lines a shot to right, but Rivera is there to pull it in. The White Sox are down to their last out, and Crede is up.
Update: Crede strikes out swinging to end the game, and give the Angels a 1-0 lead in the ALCS. They also gain home field advantage.
Both starters pitched great games. For the Angels offense, they once again took advantage of defensive miscues. The White Sox failed to steal, failed to sacrifice, and failed to stop the running game. These are two evenly matched teams, and they showed that tonight. My guess is that this will continue to be a close series.

11 thoughts on “Bottom of the Ninth

  1. Benjamin Kabak

    Is it just me or do K-Rod’s mechanics keep getting worse? His front side is flying waaay open. How long until he misses significant time with a shoulder injury? Will Carrol’s UTK on Baseball Prospectus talked about K-Rod’s shoulder, and I’ve noticed his awful mechanics for a while. I wonder if we’re witnessing the eventual slide toward injury of Rodriguez.
    PS Awful play right there with Figgins three feet away from Rowand when he bunts.

  2. Dan

    Nice win for the Angels. People always underestimate how important a good pen is. It won them the series in 02, and who knows it may do it again.

  3. David Dean

    I missed the very end. Is there an indication of who will pitch tomorrow night for Anaheim? Seems like they’re running short on rested and healthy pitchers.

  4. New School

    What a brutal game. No wonder the game was pitched well when these hacktastic lineups were going after every pitch. I’m willing to give Ozzie credit for his handling of the pitching staff, but how many outs are they willing to give up?
    Pitchers’ duels are great, but it’s much more meaningful when the hitters make them work even a little. And the worst part is/will be having to listen to the MSM pundits talk about how this is how the game is supposed to be played. Teddy Ballgame would not agree.
    I fell better now that that is off my chest.

  5. JudyB

    Washburn was interviewed on the Angels pregame radio show today, and he’s not 100% healthy, but he’s gonna pitch – he’ll go as long as he can and then turn it over to the bullpen. They’ve had some shaky moments this year, but for the most part have worked it out.
    I’m only worried about what it does to the Angels’ mystique – they lost the first game of each series in 2002. They haven’t won a first game since 1986, and they ended up losing that series to Boston.

  6. David Dean

    Los Angeles, Anaheim, whatever… It took me long enough to stop referring to them as the “California Angels.”
    Washburn makes sense as the starter, I suppose – not sure who else they’d throw out there.

  7. Benjamin Kabak

    Drew: They don’t play in Los Angeles. They play in Anaheim. It’s more appropriate to call them the Pacific Time Zone Angels than it is to call them the Los Angeles Angels no matter what stupid publicity stunt Arte Moreno’s thought up of this time.

  8. Scott Janssens

    It’s easy to throw out the lead runner when the infield is on the grass and the third baseman is almost half way down the line. The bunt should have been taken off. But everybody in the park, including Soscia knew Ozzie was going to leave it on.
    Also, interesting strategy, swinging at the first pitch, against a starter on short rest. I’m sorry, did I say interesting, I meant stupid.

  9. Jack Tanner

    ‘People always underestimate how important a good pen is. ‘
    I’d say about 0 teams and 1% of fans underestimate it.


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