August 13, 2016

Baby Bombers

Tyler Austin and Aaron Judge hit back to back home runs in their first at bats for the Yankees. Austin hit his down the line in right, while Judge hit his off the glass in center.  Those trades look really good right now.

3 thoughts on “Baby Bombers

  1. rbj

    Apparently first time in MLB history two rookies have done that in the same game. Even without the back to back addition

  2. pft

    Austin, Judge and Sanchez all could have been called up long ago. I was calling for Judge to be called up before he got hurt in June and move Beltran to DH. They could still have kept all the guys they traded and the 2016 team would be a much stronger team, and better positioned to make the post season if they won a WC spot. They would have had to make hard decisions like releasing Arod and sitting McCann and releasing Texiera earlier, but they chose to stay with the team they had until the end of July (which went on a nice run until they faced the Rays while the sell started in full force)

  3. TheHitman23

    pft >> have to disagree, the smartest thing Cashman has done was to be a seller and trade away fungible bullpen arms. I have been very critical of Cashman, but he didn’t spend any money on FA this year. He got rid of aging players for young, highly touted, prospects during the trade deadline. As a Yankees fan you can’t ask for anything more, if you believed this was a world series team back in June then you were watching different games than me. There’s a lot of luck involved in the Yankees being in this position, and also a lot of that can be attributed to Girardi – who is one of the game’s best managers. So the fact that luck is at play here can succinctly be explained by this Branch Rickey quote: “Luck is the residue of design.”

    The general manager of the Yankees deserves a lot of credit for what he’s done here, and that pains me to say that because I am not a Cashman fan.


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