December 18, 2017

The Hamels Gift

Cole Hamels and his wife Heidi Hamels donated a house to charity:

In doing so, the Hamels are donating a 32,000-square-foot home in southwest Missouri to charity. The home, on Table Rock Lake, is being given to Camp Barnabas.

“There are tons of amazing charities in southwest Missouri. Out of all of these, Barnabas really pulled on our heartstrings,” Hamels said in a release. “Seeing the faces, hearing the laughter, reading the stories of the kids they serve; there is truly nothing like it. Barnabas makes dreams come true, and we felt called to help them in a big way.”

The house is worth nearly $10 million. It’s a wonderful Christmas present.

1 thought on “The Hamels Gift

  1. Pft

    The list price is 9.4 million. Its in the middle of nowhere in a town with a median housing price of 99K. Good luck finding a buyer. Apparently they changed their mind of living their after retirement and settled for the tax write off (over 3 million) rather than pay property tax and maintenance cost for a couple of years


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