January 30, 2018


MLB will be tapping bullpen phones:

Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic reports that, in an effort to stanch this kind of behavior, MLB is installing new phones in every dugout, and the league will also now record all conversations that take place on those dugout phones. Rosenthal goes on to explain the thinking behind this new measure:

To avoid detection in the new climate, a player who steals signs by watching video in the replay room will need to walk to the dugout and relay the sign to the runner on the second base, who then would signal to the hitter at home plate — a much more laborious process than simply conveying sign-stealing information by phone.

While they are at it, maybe they should assign armed security guards to each player to make sure they don’t use PEDs. This is getting kind of ridiculous.

2 thoughts on “The MLB NSA

  1. Pft

    I’d be more concerned with someone in the video room calling someone seated in the stands near the plate and having that person call out some code that only the hitter understands. To avoid detection multiple persons may be used and only select hitters

    A fan was ejected at YS for calling out location in Spanish to Gary Sanchez. Too bad it was a spanish catcher but you wonder how much of that is going on in a smarter way? Why limit stealing signs to guys on 2B when pitchers and catchers are changing signs and faking location?

  2. Theron

    It seems like it’d be easier for everyone if the guys who play the game professionally and have time to think about it figure out how to use different signs more frequently.


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