January 31, 2018

Random Player Report

The Random Evil Player program selected Blake Parker for the next review. Parker is an odd duck. A relief pitcher, he was not called up to the majors until his seasonal age 27 season in 2012. In parts of three seasons with the Cubs he produced good rates on this three-true outcomes, with a weakness for the home run. He spent 2015 in Mexico, but returned to the majors in 2016 with a very high walk rate. He was released a number of times before the Angels signed him, and he turned in an excellent year for LAnaheim. Overall his TTO line looks like 10.6/2.8/1.0 K/BB/HR per 9 IP. He tended to walk batters in the minors, but with age came control without a loss of power. We’ll see how long he can keep this going, but the Angels found a solid reliever.

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