April 3, 2018

The Release Point Point

Travis Sawchik notice that Kenley Jansen‘s release point is off:

While his release point has ebbed and flowed throughout his career, it’s something worth keeping an eye on.

His horizontal release point has continued to contract over the course of his career but, again, like his vertical release point, it’s reached an extreme point early this season. Horizontal and vertical release-point changes are often tied together.

His release point through two appearances supports the idea there is a mechanical flaw with which he is dealing or that something doesn’t quite feel right in his elbow or shoulder or hamstring or elsewhere and he is searching for a more comfortable motion. We’ll have to wait and see.

Long time readers of this blog know that I am more convinced than ever that long-term slumps are really playing working through minor injuries. They may be so minor that the players don’t even realize they are there. They might not even show up on a scan. Jansen may be suffering from one right now.

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