April 16, 2018

Weekly Look at Offense

After two full weeks, MLB games are producing 8.68 runs per game, compared to 8.49 after two full weeks in 2017. The composition of those runs changed from last season, however. Walks are up from 6.7 per game to 7.1 per game. Non-home run hits are up from 14.0 per game to 14.3 per game. Home runs are down slightly, from 2.2 per game to 2.1 per game.

I really like that the combination of singles, doubles, and triples are up, despite strikeouts rising from 16.4 per game to 17.7 per game. High K numbers are supposed to limit hits, and so far that is not happening. I don’t know if batters are hitting more against the shift, or if pitchers are relaying too much on speed, and when batters connect, they get very good wood on the ball. It’s a trend to watch.

It continues to be a fascinating season. Of the four seasons I’m charting, this is the first to see runs go up in the second week.

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