March 10, 2006

March Pledge Drive

After nine days of the March Pledge Drive, 175 readers have sent in $2093. Thank you all so much! I hope many more of you will join them. Over 24,000 unique URLs visited Baseball Musings so far in March. So those 175 readers are supporting over 100 times their weight! Don’t let them do it alone.

All it takes is $1. If every one who visits the site this month gives that much, Baseball Musings can run for a year. If every one gave $10, I could run the site indefinitely. What do you get for your money? How about the Day by Day Database? It provides you with a daily record of each batter and pitcher back to 1974. You can look at anytime period, compare batters, and sort on any field. Since the start of the 2000 seasons, splits are available as well. Sabernar left this comment two days ago, but it worked so well yesterday it’s worth repeating:

I think that I told this story on your previous pledge drive, but I’ll do it again. I read a couple webcomics, and one of the guys who does one of the comics one day made an off-hand (yes, off-hand!) comment that if his readers would donate a year’s salary (~$25,000), he’d quit his job and work on his webcomic full time. Well, within, I think, 3 days or so his readers donated more than the $25,000. $25,000!!! For a webcomic.

Now, if David’s readers can’t find a way to contribute 1/10th of that amount, well, then what does that say about the baseball community? David actually contributes scientifically to the world of baseball. You may think that, well, maybe the webcomic is an ‘artist’ and has more of a ‘following’. Well, I say that David himself is an artist, too. And I also say that David has more of a following AND that his following is even more hardcore then any webcomic’s.

22,000 unique users in March. $1714. Do the math. I’m actually embarrassed that David’s fanbase can’t contribute $1, $5, $10. Donating money takes 30-60 seconds. It’s easy, and I doubt that you’ll even miss the couple bucks that you send his way. On the otherhand, if everyone tossed a couple bucks into the pot, David and his family would be much better off. So what are you waiting for?!?! DONATE!

Donations can be made via Amazon, PayPal or Click and Pledge (new this year). Just click on the button of choice below. There are a number of people who won’t use PayPal, and Amazon limits contributions in a one month period. Click and Pledge will process a credit card without making you sign up for an account. This is my first time trying that company, but they’ve been very helpful so far. Please let me know if there are any problems. Click and Pledge does pop up a window for the donations, so if your browser blocks those, you can go to a new page here.

Amazon Honor System

Click Here to Pay Learn More

Online donation system by ClickandPledge

Join the 175 people who donated so far in supporting this blog. Any amount is appreciated. A $500 earns you a listing and link under patrons for two years, and a $50 donation allows you to dedicate a post with a link. Given Baseball Musings’ high rank among search engines, that two year link price is a bargain for your business!

As as a further incentive, Oleg Lyubner of Workman Publishing sent me three copies of Baseball Prospectus 2006 to use as donation rewards. Donate at the $75 level, and you can help this site and enjoy a great book.

3 thoughts on “March Pledge Drive

  1. Dave S.

    A good way to think about it is this: what would you miss more…20 dollars, or Baseball Musings for 1 year?
    This forum is lifeblood, both during the season, but almost more importantly, during the offseason, when die-hards like ourselves have a cafe like this where we can participate in a conversation led by the inimitable David Pinto. Pony up, folks! Belly up to bar!

  2. Chris Marcil

    The book is nice, but how much do I have to pledge to get you to blog about how Yale is the best?

  3. tangotiger

    David, I sent them in the mail this morning. Feel free to mention it at your convenience.


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