March 10, 2006

Foot Fault

Will Li emails, pointing out this note on Mets pitcher Mike Venafro:

Mike Venafro, scratched from yesterday’s relief appearance, finally has an explanation for the back discomfort that has hampered his career. The southpaw, whose legs are slightly different in length, has been wearing a one-third-inch pad in the wrong shoe for years – essentially doubling the difference between his leg lengths rather than correcting it. Mets doctors discovered the trouble and are easing him into the proper padding. Venafro was in good spirits yesterday, though he confessed: “I was furious, but what can you do?”

Just amazing.
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7 thoughts on “Foot Fault

  1. Tom G

    I don’t know if I should admit this or not, but he and I went to the same undergraduate university. Suddenly, my degree just went down in value.

  2. Nate

    As someone who has a short leg, I sympthathize with his back problems.
    As someone who has a short leg, I don’t sympathize with why he put the lift in the wrong shoe. I mean, c’mon, you just know those things!

  3. Anthony

    I also went to undergraduate degree with Mike Venafro and I don’t believe the above person did. I am aware he earned two majors and is a very well spoken intelligent guy. James Madison is one of Virginia’s top schools. People should get the full story before jumping to conclusions of his intelligence; there is always more you don’t know.


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