March 13, 2006

Humor Me

Sam Perlozzo replaced the joke that was the Orioles second half of 2005 with a daily funny:

Newcomers Kevin Millar and LaTroy Hawkins have stepped up. Batting practice pitcher Orlando Gomez made the most of his turn. And pitcher Bruce Chen and bullpen coach Rick Dempsey have been mainstays.
Their only responsibility in delivering the Joke of the Day has been to get people to laugh – at any cost.
“It just kind of happened one day and I said, ‘You know what? I like this, we’re going to keep doing it,'” Perlozzo said. “When you talk about chemistry on our ballclub, the fact that somebody can stand up in front of a bunch of people, that’s another leader. We’re bringing guys up that aren’t afraid to do that. It’s a big roar of a laugh before you walk out of the door. I don’t know if it is going to make you win any games, but it is fun. The game is supposed to be fun.”

Sam also gained the respect that Mazzilli lost early:

Several of the Orioles credited Perlozzo for creating a loose environment. This spring, he has leveled few rules – cell phones need to be off for team meetings, tardiness earns a fine – but enforced them to the violators. If players are late for meetings without notifying a team official, they aren’t allowed to enter the clubhouse until the meeting is over.
Several players said that it was hard to take certain rules seriously, especially after manager Lee Mazzilli’s cell phone went off – to the theme song of The Godfather – during a meeting two days after he established the rule punishing cell phone violators.
“He’s treating us like adults, but you screw up, you’re going to face the consequences,” Gibbons said.

Perlozzo’s off to a good start managing the people. If he can manage them to wins as well, the laughter will be even heartier.
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