March 14, 2006

Sore Shoulder

Johnny Damon’s shoulder is sidelining him in the World Baseball Classic. According to Damon, it’s just limiting his throwing. In that case, how can he tell he’s injured?
So what do the Yankees do if this doesn’t clear up? Do you DH Damon and play Bernie in center? Or do you prefer Damon’s range and let him play the field? The Yankees could have Damon flip Matusi or Sheffield the ball to throw in after a catch. 🙂
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4 thoughts on “Sore Shoulder

  1. Bob B.

    I knew it was just a matter of time. Kinda like buying that old Ford with the oil drip. Eventually it turns into a leak and so on. Imagine what the spacious center field of Yankee stadium will do to that shoulder. Can you say D/L? Bernie is no longer fleet afoot so covering center is out of the question. I really think the Red Sox knew what Damon was dealing with and let him walk graciously away to their rival. Go CoCo! $13,000,000 a year for an Edsel?

  2. Hudson

    [Trying not to gloat… trying not to gloat… trying not to gloat]
    Seriously, no one in Boston will ever root for Damon to get hurt. But it is indeed remarkable if his age is showing this fast. Or, this could be just a blip, of course.
    I think the Sox are going to be pretty darned pleased with Crisp, in any case.

  3. Wayne

    Assuming this is the same injury that Damon suffered early last August and caused him to hit .275 over the last two months, one wonders if the Yanks were so excited about “stealing” him away from the Sox that they forgot to perform a physical.
    Damon’s reputation as a rag arm really took off after this injury. While his arm was never strong, he really couldn’t throw at all the last two months of last season.
    Guys who play the game as hard as Damon and aren’t afraid of running into walls and diving for balls to age fast. My best guess is that Johnny Damon’s body is a real old 32.


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