July 3, 2018

Slow Gardner

MLB fined Brett Gardner for playing slowly.

Brett Gardner won’t be able to continue taking his time getting into the batter’s box, or he will continue to feel it in his wallet.

The veteran outfielder has been fined roughly $3,500 for six violations of baseball’s pace-of-play policy, a person with knowledge of the situation confirmed. One of the fines was for $2,000.

Baseball began warning and fining players for these violations in 2015. The names of the players fined do not get released by MLB. In 2017, Orioles outfielder Adam Jones said he had been fined “almost 50 grand or something like that.”

That’s pocket change to a player making millions of dollars. Instead of fining players, MLB should rewarding those who play quickly.

1 thought on “Slow Gardner

  1. Bill

    Why not suspend a player for a game or two? The money doesn’t matter, but penalizing his team would have real consequences.


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